What better way to start the day than duck egg and toast soldiers with a good cup of tea?
Well that was the consensus of the special group of supporters and press gathered for TROY's Autumn Winter 2016 Pre-view Breakfast at the stunning Marks Club, Mayfair.
Alice Naylor-Leyland of arrived fresh in from the countryside and Hedvig Opshaug swung by full of celebrations for the Norwegian Constitution Day. Martha Ward and Katie Readman hatched plans with Julie-Anne Dorff, executive Fashion Director for Town and Country, as to exciting features on TROY to come...
Alice Naylor-Leyland of arrived fresh in from the countryside and Hedvig Opshaug swung by full of celebrations for the Norwegian Constitution Day. Martha Ward and Katie Readman hatched plans with Julie-Anne Dorff, executive Fashion Director for Town and Country, as to exciting features on TROY to come...
As for the new collection? Well you will just have to wait and see!